Sunday, July 17, 2011

My First Bake...

The first cake I baked maybe because Chiffon is the easiest to bake for an amateur like me. Makes me feel proud because it came out almost perfect! Having the buttery flavor of pound cake and the lightness of sponge cake convinced me to say "It's almost perfect!"

These are my cheesecakes. For other's, they find it so hard to bake this thing but not in my case. Just before baking it for the first time, I researched carefully and seriously about the common  fault, tips & techniques on baking it right. I have to, I cannot afford to much trial and error because Cream Cheese that serves as the main ingredient is too EXPENSIVE! Now, even my 8 years old son can bake it and play with different flavor he desire.

My Cream Puff... Every time a client ordered a cake they accompanied it with a box of chosen flavored cream puff. An all-time favorite!

Swan Cream Puff I made for my daughter's classmates when they visited her in our house.

The all-time favorite of my sister-in-law from Dubai Soc Legaspi.

A welcome home Chicken Pie for my husband.

Chocolate - Hazelnut Pie for my brother Ned Legaspi's birthday.

Weave in faith and God will find the thread. - Author Unknown

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