Thursday, August 18, 2011



Health and Nutrion Benefits of Eating Jackfruit
  • Being rich in potassium, jackfruit has been found to be helpful in the lowering of blood pressure.
  • The extract of Jackfruit root is believed to help cure fever as well as diarrhea.
  • Jackfruit contains phytonutrients, with health benefits ranging from anti-cancer to antihypertensive.
  • The root of this fruit has been found to be beneficial for those suffering from asthma.
  • Jackfruit proves to be a very good source of vitamin C, which is known for its high antioxidant properties.
  • The fruit contains isoflavones, antioxidants, and phytonutrients, all of which are credited for their cancer-fighting properties.
  • Jackfruit is known to contain anti-ulcer properties and is also good for those suffering from indigestion.
  • Boasting of anti-ageing properties, the fruit can help slow down the degeneration of cells and make the skin look young and supple.
  • Jackfruit serves as a good supply of proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins, for the human body.
  • It is believed that the fruit can help prevent and treat tension and nervousness.
  • Since it contains few calories and a very small amount of fat, jackfruit is good for those trying to lose weight.
  • If you are suffering from constipation, regular consumption of the fruit will surely prove beneficial.
  • The root of jackfruit is said to be good for the treatment of a number of skin problems.

Filled with sweet custard and ube jam and topped with various sweets adapted from famous Filipino dessert served with ice and milk -- Halo -Halo.




3 Layered yam flavored cake filled with 100% sweet yam and topped with ube jam.

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