Thursday, November 10, 2011


I loved working with mangoes. Aside from its natural sweetness, mangoes are flexible enough to decorate your cakes. I want to take this opportunity to thank a very kind person for allowing me to present my new recipe the way she did, Ms. Agnes Guinto. But as sign of respect to conserve and keep her own recipe a secret and as I used to do,I made some changes to consider it as "MY RECIPE!" I already made a lot of mango cake variation, thinking what to do this time, I decide to make it SUGAR FREE. Yes! It is sugar free except for the natural sugar present in using fresh mangoes. The sweet flavor of mangoes comes from its carbohydrate content. There many varieties of mangoes, and most of them have high carbohydrate content. Since the carbohydrates are fruit based, its HEALTHY COMPLEX CARBOHYDRATES - sucrose. Per 100 gms. of mangoes there are about 14 gms of carbohydrates. There is almost no fat or protein content in mango. It provides you with more than daily requirement of Vitamin A and Vitamin C. It also contains fiber, magnesium, iron and antioxidants. The glycemix index of mango ranges between 41 - 60, so its low. MANGO DOES NOT HAVE ANY SIGNIFICANT EFFECT IN INCREASE BLOOD SUGAR LEVELS, so it does not promote fat storage. Due to the medium glycemix index, MANGOES ARE OKAY FOR DIABETICS.
So, does eating mangoes promote fat gain? NO, mangoes do not promote weight gain. What can promote weight gain are sugar loaded mango drinks.
Generously covered with ripe mangoes.

3 Layered  cake filled with cream and mangoes.

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