Saturday, November 19, 2011


I am always curious on how a pumpkin cake taste like. As much as I want to bake one, there are lot of things that keep me on trying to make one. Do we have a pumpkin here in the Philippines? We have  lots of squash in the market, small and big ones. If I buy the big ones, can I call it pumpkin? What is the difference between squash and pumpkin? I grew up believing that pumpkin is used to make Jack O Lantern during Halloween. To end this curiosity, I researched about pumpkin and squash. Well, they all belong to the same family. Generally speaking, a pumpkin is something you carve, a squash is something you cook, and a gourd is something you look at and they all have sweet nutty taste. Anyway, to end this curiosity, I decided to bake my own version of pumpkin cake and use whatever is available. Usually, a pumpkin cake is made of puree pumpkin, spices, raisins and nuts. I only have squash and some leftover dried fruits and nuts from my last fruitcake baking which is soaked in liquor for almost a week. After calculating the percentage of each ingredients that I need to use and selecting what spices should I use, here's my SQUASH FRUITCAKE!

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