Thursday, June 23, 2011

Discovering My Skill

In our family, GOD showered  two different kinds of blessings-- intellectual ability and practical skills. My siblings received the brainpower that made them succeed to their chosen career. I asked myself, "Am I sleeping when it happened?" My chance to be an employee used to vanished whenever something happens like getting pregnant unexpectedly. I wanted to experience the thrill of waiting for 15th and 30th of the month for salary.  Working abroad is my ultimate dream not only to help my parents financially but because I loved the lifestyle of people living abroad. But it never happened. The only career I have is to be a mother of  five (5) children and a housewife (If you can call it a career). I keep thinking what blessing GOD gave me. They said, "We are all blessed with talent, all you have to do is to discover it. At first, I thought GOD didn't give  me any blessing  but then I realized I was so special to Him. He gave me something that I will truly enjoy. " Hmmn...I love to cook and never get tired cooking. And now, I am beginning to discover that I can bake! Yes! I am not blessed with linguistic abilities and I am not ashamed to admit that but God gave me a skill, an inborn skills. Did I inherited it to my father? Let him seat in a piano and he can play a piece, with no formal  training. Ask him to draw and he can! God is FAIR! 

"A winner is someone who recognizes his God-given talents, works his tail off to develop them into skills and uses these skills to accomplish his goals." - Larry Bird

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