Friday, June 24, 2011

Tools and Equipments - Part 1

Every Pastry Chef will tell you that "If you want to create a perfect cake, it is an advantage that you invest in a heavy-duty, high quality tools and equipments." I don't let myself intimidated with that saying although I believed it is true. I used whatever is available and learn to improvise. My only concern is my oven, an old and defective oven giving me an inaccurate temperature.

This is my oven I bought 2nd hand. It's an old model of La Germania. I don't know what's wrong but the oven temperature never reach 350 F which is the standard temp. in baking. Baking at 200F that required 350F is a risk! But I want to bake!  So, every time I am going to use it, I talked to my oven like a friend telling him "Please take good care of my cake. Don't give-up yet because we still have a lot of bake goods to make. I need you to help me develop and polish my God-given skill."

This is my hand mixer my husband gave me as a bribe when we had a small fight 7 years ago. Oh! I can't remember anymore how many times did I planned to create an argument hoping he will bribe me again By the way,  it's a broken hand mixer. Intermittently stopping and starting. I cried loud when using it and discover that it's not working anymore. Now, I have to make sure all the bedroom doors  are close to avoid  untimely awakening of  my family because of the cracking sound it produce while using it.

P 50.00 worth of baking pan. Well, that's all I have. I just keep telling myself, "You don't need a good pan to bake. God gave you a peculiar gift. You can do it!"

Well appreciated old baking pans given to me. Donation? Whatever...! I honestly appreciated it.

GOD PROMISES TO PROVIDE OUR NEEDS! -  God will provide all of our needs according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus (Phil 4:19). One of my happiest moment, learning I loved to bake, I started receiving springform pan from a generous friend in California, my bestfriend and a highschool friend Ms. Heide Francisco and my brother in Dubai Engineer Alex Legaspi. Thank you so much!

"The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack in will" - Vince Lombardi

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