Thursday, June 23, 2011

Learning How to Bake

I am a HRM grad. at Saint Paul College Q.C. I took Basic Baking at Asian Baking Institute in Manila year 1996. It did not boost or encouraged me to pursue baking for so many reason. Ok, let's just say, I took it because I was bored. Time goes, I waived my desire to learn. Year 2006 (10 years after), I met a friend studying at CCA ( Center for Culinary Arts ) and happened to see her books. I asked her if I can borrow and I was permitted. I read and read and read...It stimulated my appetite to learn (again!). Since then, I started buying 2nd hand books which I can use as a reference and guide in learning to bake and thankful to internet that made my research easier. I must admit that I envy those professional chef  who had a formal culinary training. Training  that helps to widen knowledge and polish skills. How I wish to be born rich so I could study at Le cordon Bleu, Culinary Institute of America , Ecole Internationale Patisserie etc. Daydreaming to meet Mr. Chocolate man, Jacques Torres, David Lebovitz, Rose Levy Beranbaum and a lot more. NO formal training in baking, NO baking equipments, NO one to boost or encourage me but I do HAVE an enormous desire to learn something I really enjoyed doing. Just keep saying "No one and nothing can stop me to learn. In whatever ways I will gain knowledge." 

"We have an opportunity for everyone in the world to have access to all the world's information. This has never before been possible. Why is ubiquitous information so profound? It's a tremendous equalizer. Information is power".  - Eric Schmidt


  1. We dream the same dreams :)
    You're doing great as a self taught pastry chef!

  2. Thanks Yael, I cannot fulfill my dreams by doing nothing and depend to others. Inspired by what Kathe Kollwitz said, "I DO NOT WANT TO DIE...UNTIL I HAVE FAITHFULLY MADE THE MOST OF MY TALENT AND CULTIVATED THE SEED THAT WAS PLACED IN ME UNTIL THE LAST SMALL TWIG HAS GROWN"

  3. one doesn't have to be rich to cultivate one's talent,for me the best pastry chefs are the ones who can make something out of nothing. i myself is self made baker with zero formal training. i believe u r a good pastry chef for u can create delicious baked products out of nothing. can't wait to try ur baked goodies.
    maria fr H-town

  4. Thank you Maria. I still remember when my son asked me "Mom,what course do I need to take in college to be a pastry chef?" I said, "You can take baking course but that will not make you a pastry chef.You gain the title "CHEF" through experience. Unlike other profession, if you want to be an architect take architecture. If you want to be an engineer, take engineering course. If you want to be a doctor, take medicine course. Do what you enjoy doing and the rest will come along."
